Monday, December 28, 2009

Zune Dock Pack V Will The Wireless Remote In The Zune AV Pack V1 Work For My 8gb Zune?

Will the wireless remote in the Zune AV Pack V1 work for my 8gb Zune? - zune dock pack v

I saw people with the AV Pack V1 with the new Zune. The remote works well with them, but on the Microsoft Web site indicates that the 8GB Zune is not compatible with the V1 dock. (The dock similar to the AV Pack V1) is used, I read that the Zune 8 GB to other websites is compatible, but after having it on the Microsoft site, I'm confused. So in short, is the AV Pack V1 and with the remote control? Thank you.


stu said...

I think MS says it is compatible because it is an A / V (audio / video) Spring ... and the smallest flash (4GB, 8GB, 16GB) Zunes do not have TV-out feature. if it only to the music with no problems ... Just do not show on television.

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